
The 4 pillars of talent development

Throughout human history, we have considered talent a gift – something we blessed and born with. Multi-talented people, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, considered extra lucky – but today we know that luck had nothing (or at least, very little) to do with it. 

The Stages Academy program proved that multi-disciplinary talent is something every child can develop, using the right exercises or “games” that work on each, and every one of the 4 pillars of talent development: 


The first pillar of talent development is imagination – the ability to simulate and form objects, experiences and ideas in the mind with no immediate sensory input. It is actually a re-creation of and memories, combined with imagined changes. Imagination is a fundamental part of the learning process as it helps to implement knowledge and apply it to solve problems. It also integrates with the second pillar of talent development, as I will explain next.


Engineering is using scientific principles to design and build structures, machines, and items, so it  touches every aspect of our lives. It is about problem-solving, but it also requires the ability to think “outside the box” and visualization techniques – which is where imagination comes into play. 


Research is working in a creative and systematic way to increase the stock of knowledge about a topic or an issue, including knowledge of humans as a society and individuals, and applying the new-acquired knowledge in new ways.

The process of research includes 3 steps to increase our understanding of a specific topic:

  1. Collection of data to answer a question relevant to the topic.
  2. Organization and sorting out the collected data.
  3. Analysis of the organized data to establish an answer to the question.


Every progress of creating growth, positive change or adding components can be described as development. The purpose of development is to raise the level and quality of something, in a visible and useful way, while creating the conditions for the continuation of that change.  

The Stages Academy talent development program

Our method, based on these 4 pillars of talent development combined with polymath thinking, has proven to help students develop multi-disciplinary talent – which enables them to apply skills and techniques from every field to another.

Want to learn more about The Stages Academy program and develop your child’s multi-disciplinary talent?

 Join the online course now.

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